Friday, March 2, 2012

It's one of those nights..

Yup, I'm having "one of those nights". The one where your body can barely hold open your eyes but no matter what you do you just can't seem to fall asleep..
I don't know about you but when that happens to me, I go through random steps to try to fall asleep...

Step 1- Lay in bed without paying any attention to anything. We all know where this leads (if it's not to sleep). You start thinking about what time you want to wake up at, what you're going to wear  (and we all go through at least 5 different outfits, am I right girls?) and then comes the rest... Life. Now I don't know if this happens to only me but once the thoughts about life kick in, stress kicks in as well. Here's where the next step comes in...

Step 2- Electronics! Need I say anymore?? I'll usually check my Facebook account and several of your walls... ( I may or may not be a Facebook stalker at times hehe). So, if I happen to comment on one of your photos that has been up for a couple years, just know I was having one of those nights! I'll then move my way onto the news channels to catch up on how depressing our government is. Once I'm fed up with reading that I'll head on to good old YouTube.  I can spend hours on there. (I usually don't though). I have a couple of video bloggers I like to follow so I'll watch tutorials on fashion and girly stuff like that. Then I'm on to the music and then regret that decision because now I'm in the mood to jam out. :) Meanwhile,  I'm keeling an eye on my cell phone to see if anyone else is crazy enough to be up too. Occasionally you get a friend or two but after a couple text or two, they're out cold. ( meanies ha ha).

Step 3-  Washing my face again. I love feeling clean and it's always relaxing .

Step 4- Read Scriptures again. I always read them right when I crawl into bed.  It's  nice to get some more time in there though.

Step 5- I'm pretty desperate at this point and move my way back up to
Step 1 while adding additional prayers for help which usually does the trick. :)

Wouldn't it be so nice to be a child again with no specific time to wake up at?! Those were the good ol days.. but at the same time, I wouldn't trade being " grown up" for anything.
So kids, what are some of your steps to fall asleep? I'd love to hear them! :)

I think I'm finally off to bed. Goodnight loves!  <3

Zzzzzz -kat

I'm pretty sure this is what I look like right now... ;)

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