Sunday, February 19, 2012

That 70's show

Today was a pretty good day!

I got to sleep in until 11 (which I never get to do). Don't you just love when you wake up and can just lay there for a while? I do.
I spent a few hours looking at home that are for sale since I'm moving. I honestly didn't know how long it takes to buy a house... it's pretty annoying. Going to see the homes is the fun part. ( most of the time) I liked only one house today but the only down fall is some of the architecture looks like the 70's. I love the layout of the house, not to mention the beautiful back yard. It's a good thing you can buy decorations to help make it look more modern. I have a feeling this might be the house we end up in.

On another note, can I just say that I have the most Amazing friends?! They are super fun to be around. I went to a movie night tonight  & watched the movie Cowboys and Indians. If you haven't seen it, get off your booty and get it! Aliens look real at times... that stuff just scares the crap out of me! Good movie though.

I honestly am loving the way my life is going and that hasn't happened in a while. Wohoo for being happy!

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